Our Strategy

Nick Jefferies - Group Chief Executive

“We aim to grow our business in customised electronics by focusing on markets with sustained growth prospects, driven by increasing electronic content and where there is an essential need for our products. Our strategy is underpinned by strong cash flow and our commitment to sustainability.”

Nick Jefferies
Group Chief Executive

Our strategy has four elements:

Grow Image

Grow sales well ahead of GDP over the economic cycle by focusing on structural growth markets, namely Renewable Energy, Transportation, Medical, Security and Industrial & Connectivity. The Group has delivered on average 6% annual organic growth in the last decade since FY14.

Value Chain Icon

Acquire highly differentiated businesses with attractive growth prospects and strong, sustainable margins. We have a clear approach to acquisitions and the target businesses must have the discoverIE DNA.

Quality Businesses Icon

Generate efficiencies and improve operating margins through clustering of businesses, production optimisation, moving up the value chain into hgiher margin products with increased innovation and differentiation.

Further Internationalise Icon

Reduce our impact on the environment by achieving net-zero carbon emissions.

Key Strategic Indicators

Increase underlying operating margin

Build sales beyond Europe

Target market sales

Carbon Emission Absolute Reduction