Acquired – 2017
Focus – Sensors & Transducers
The Business
Variohm designs, manufactures and distributes electronic sensors, switches and control systems worldwide. Variohm’s main strength is its ability to offer customised solutions to a wide range of applications and we now have five operations across the UK and Germany.
The technology and overall package used within the sensor and controls market is constantly changing and Variohm’s vision is not only to supply the latest technology but also to provide a complete solution for their customers application. Variohm have delivered this through the acquisition of complementary businesses and expansion of its own.
The Variohm business was acquired by discoverIE in January 2017 and the constant message during acquisition was “It will be business as normal”. This has very much been the case, but with added advantages of being part of a larger group.
Since acquisition the business has continued to prosper and continues to invest in its staff and all of its sites. Investment in new technology continues, which has enabled Variohm to expand its product offering, helping to secure new business.
Also since becoming part of the discoverIE, the Variohm group has expanded with the acquisition of another sensor company in April 2019. Positek Ltd are a specialised manufacturer of industrial rotary and linear sensors and further enhances the company’s product portfolio and manufacturing capabilities.
Although Variohm continues to operate independently, discoverIE group provides essential support in many areas, including legal and financial. Also, the opportunity to trade with other companies within the group. Prior to acquisition a key strategy for Variohm was Intragroup cross selling and now being part of discoverIE the opportunities are far greater.
The future for the Variohm group within discoverIE is extremely exciting, with plans to become a more international business and also to continue with the development of our product portfolio. These combined will enable Variohm to offer our customers worldwide a solution for their application, enabling the continued growth of the business and to further strengthen our position within the global market.
Graham Pattison
MD Variohm