
The Board exercises oversight of climate-related risks and opportunities through:

  • the Sustainability Committee, which comprises the whole Board, and is chaired by an ESG expert. The Sustainability Committee sets the Group’s sustainability strategy and monitors the implementation of the strategy
  • the Risk and Audit Committee, which assesses and reviews climate-related risks and opportunities as part of the risk management process
  • the Remuneration Committee, which sets the Group’s remuneration policy and ensures that sustainability objectives and performance are linked to management’s remuneration

Climate-related risks are reviewed as part of our six-monthly Risk Register review, along with all other risks.

  • Group Management Committee (“GMC”) is responsible for the development and implementation of the Group’s sustainability strategy, and setting specific objectives and targets for all Group companies. It reports to the Sustainability Committee on all sustainability-related matters, including climate action
  • Group Sustainability Team, formed by members with sustainability, finance, legal and operations experience, is responsible for monitoring, reviewing, consolidating, and reporting Group companies’ progress on sustainability implementation. It works with the operating companies to deliver sustainability goals and reports to the GMC
  • Operating company management is responsible for the implementation of sustainability strategy within their individual business units