discoverIE offers the perfect partnership for entrepreneurs who would like to realise value and remain with their business
What we offer your business
discoverIE is a leading international electronics group with operations in 20 countries, over 25,000 live customer accounts globally and design and manufacturing capabilities spanning passive components, sensors, embedded computing, power conversion, RF engineering, photonics, magnetics, EMC/EMI, connectors, cable assemblies and many other areas.
Joining discoverIE will create opportunities to develop your business and enhance growth. Here are examples from recent acquisitions of those which have been achieved:
- Using discoverIE’s global coverage to reach new geographic markets
- Developing new products by collaborating with other companies in the Group
- Winning business from customers who prefer to deal with suppliers of a minimum size
- Selling to discoverIE’s customers and discoverIE selling to your customers
- Capital investments to expand capacity and optimise operating efficiency
- Capital investments to establish presence in new markets
- Sharing of back-office functions
- Cost-savings via shared procurement or global purchasing activities
- Enhancing capabilities and growth opportunities by acquiring complementary businesses
Your business will retain its identity
We look to acquire good businesses and build upon their strengths while retaining their identity and character. Unlike some groups, we do not try to impose a “corporate model” on acquired businesses.
In discoverIE’s operating model, our businesses retain a high degree of autonomy and entrepreneurial spirit and, operating to an agreed plan, they keep their identity in the marketplace. discoverIE’s head office is kept small with the focus and resources remaining within the operating businesses. After acquisition, our philosophy is that it should be mostly “business as usual” for an acquired business with its identity and brand retained and operations continuing at existing locations. The difference is that there will be a wealth of new business opportunities to exploit and higher growth potential within the discoverIE group:
- Business identity, brand and autonomy maintained
- Synergies for value creation
- Collaboration with discoverIE companies
- Investment, support and capital from discoverIE
Learn more about our partner entrepreneurs
We make the process easier for you
We know that selling a business can be a demanding and stressful process. As an experienced acquirer, we have a well-developed acquisition process with dedicated professionals who make the process as efficient and streamlined as possible. Just as importantly, we place great emphasis on business ethics and are committed to conducting acquisitions with the highest standards of integrity and transparency.
Learn more about the acquisition process
We share value with you
Giving entrepreneurs an opportunity to share in the value created after a deal completes is a fundamental part of discoverIE’s acquisition approach. In practical terms, this means that there will be an opportunity for the value you receive for your business to be increased by additional payments after the deal has completed. These payments will be usually linked to the performance and profitable growth of the business in the three years following completion of the acquisition.