Consensus Forecast

Below is a summary of Company compiled analysts’ consensus forecasts for discoverIE:

FY2024/25 FY2025/26 FY2026/27
Number of estimates included 14 14 12

£m £m £m
Revenue 432.9 447.5 463.4
Underlying PBT 49.6 53.2 57.0
Underlying EPS (p) 37.4 39.8 42.6
Dividend per share (p) 12.5 13.2 14.0

These consensus forecasts comprise estimates of 14 analysts – Berenberg, Cavendish, Davy, Edison, HSBC, Investec, Jefferies, Panmure Liberum, Deutsche Numis, Peel Hunt, RBC, Redburn Atlantic, Shore Capital and Stifel.

These consensus forecasts were last updated on 13 December 2024.


The consensus figures are an aggregation of publicly available forecasts collated from the research analysts covering discoverIE Group plc (“discoverIE” or “the Company”) and are provided purely for information purposes only. The consensus figure for a particular item represents the arithmetic average of all figures for that item submitted by analysts. discoverIE reserves the right to exclude analyst forecasts which are deemed to be out of date.

Any opinions, estimates or forecasts regarding discoverIE’s performance made by the analysts (and therefore collated for the purpose of the consensus) are theirs alone and do not represent opinions, forecasts or predictions of discoverIE or its management.

At various times throughout the year, with timing typically driven by but not restricted to results announcements or trading updates, discoverIE updates the data sample used to build the consensus. When the consensus is updated, circumstances may mean that the sample constituents change such that the updated sample will not necessarily contain the same analysts that contributed to the previous consensus figures.

discoverIE neither endorses, concurs nor accepts responsibility for, any material published or relied upon by any analysts from which the figures presented in the consensus are calculated nor does it endorse, concur or accept responsibility whatsoever for the views of these or any other analysts reporting on the Company. In particular, discoverIE makes no warranty or representation as to the accuracy or completeness of their research, the reasonableness of any assumptions or projections or the likelihood of achieving the figures set out. Accordingly, all legal liability for the consensus is hereby expressly disclaimed by the Company.

In case of any questions, please contact Investor Relations, discoverIE Group plc