About discoverIE
The Group is an international leader in customised electronics, focusing on markets with sustained growth prospects and increasing electronic content, where there is an essential need for discoverIE's products. Our purpose is to create innovative electronics that help to improve the world and people’s lives.
Further details on the discoverIE Group can be found at www.discoverieplc.com.
- Purpose
This Policy defines the Group’s position on the subject of Board Diversity. The Board of Directors has ultimate responsibility for the implementation of this Policy, and the Nomination Committee is responsible for evaluating the structure, size and composition (including the balance of skills, knowledge, experience and diversity) of the Board, and recommending any necessary changes to the Board for approval.
- Scope
This Policy applies to the discoverIE Board of Directors and its Committees.
- Principles
The Board believes that:
- A diverse Board with a range of views aids the Group’s decision making and promotes the long-term success of discoverIE for the benefit of all of its stakeholders.
- The Group should maintain a diverse range of skills, expertise and backgrounds on the Board, each of its Committees and within its leadership teams.
- A culture of inclusion and diversity is cultivated through a clear tone from the Group’s leadership, with the Board and internal leadership teams championing diversity and inclusion in support of the Group’s values.
- Targets and actions
- We are committed to achieving and maintaining a diverse Board and as such are targeting a minimum 40% female board representation and at least one person from a non-White ethnic minority background, with the intention being to achieve these targets as soon as reasonably practicable in all the circumstances. It is recognised that there may be temporary periods when the targets of this Policy may not be met.
- When identifying candidates for the Board, the Nomination Committee shall consider candidates on merit and against objective criteria, having due regard to the benefits of diversity across a range of characteristics, such as gender, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, disability, cultural background and socio-economic background.
- When considering who to appoint to the key roles of Chair, Group Chief Executive, Senior Independent Director and Group Finance Director, the Nomination Committee shall aim for at least one of these roles to be filled by a female member of the Board. The intention is to achieve this target by the end of 2022. Additionally, in selecting the respective Chairs of Board Committees, the Board shall aim to maintain diversity across those roles.
- In any process to recruit new members of the Board or senior leadership positions within the Group, the aim shall be to ensure that as broad a range of candidates is considered, reflecting the diversity characteristics outlined above. Ideally the shortlist for each role will contain a diverse range of candidates and all of the Group’s recruitment agencies and search consultants shall be instructed accordingly.
- Reporting
The Nomination Committee shall report on the implementation of this Policy and the gender and ethnic diversity of the Board in the Corporate Governance Report within each Annual Report.
Approved: June 2022